My Books

mandag den 16. december 2024

time for some drawings after....

I bought myself a little guinea pig.
He is doing well by the way. Now on day 6 he seems very comfortable with me
and with his little space in the bathroom where he is allowed to run around once a day.
and now on to some new drawings

Eddie, has already visited the drawing board and found it quite interesting, maybe there's a little new Picasso hidden in him. lol lol

tirsdag den 10. december 2024

whiii, I got my self a beautiful little animal

-and, -then this beautiful guy came to the house. I love guinea pigs and have long thought I would get myself a small animal.
even if you are over 60, a small animal can easily capture your heart.
Iam not allowed to have cats or dogs where I live so I am just so happy for this little guy, say hello to Eddie 13 weeks old.
He is born 10 September 2024

Merry Christmas all