My Books

lørdag den 31. marts 2018

a table with mess and flea finds

love flea markets and great finds...
Today these old books to..from the 1800th century

søndag den 25. marts 2018

Tags og de små ting...

Det er de små ting der udgør værket som at male gult på en lille stemplet fugl

lidt hyggeligt at lave tags, til bogmærker og lignende
Love making tags

mit lille bord roder med skønne ting..elsker det...
Love my mess on the table

fredag den 23. marts 2018

Easter Tags and chicks for decor

and some Easter photos of, - some of my decor
I will decorate a beautiful dinnertable
-soon Spring will come
I love Easter Season

torsdag den 22. marts 2018

Journal page

The front of a journal I have started on...
now we will see how far it will go..
not used to do AND keep up with journals....

mandag den 19. marts 2018

Love bird books ...

Lots of birds and nature books in my home..
and then I made yet another fauna picture

Creative week-end

Creative week-end, making envelopes, decorating envelopes for penpals
sorting some of my stamps out...also I went for a lOOOOng walk 12 km
What did you do ?

lørdag den 17. marts 2018

Vintage goodies and mail going out

it so much fun sending and receiving real SLOWMAIL
my outgoing mail look like this..
I send to all over the world and gets so much in return...
thank you..

torsdag den 15. marts 2018

onsdag den 14. marts 2018

Mixed stuff

Mixed stuff for you to enjoy
homemade envelopes
with cats and fuzzy cut black and white cats on
Map envelopes with fuzzy cut fungi on
some old vintage books from year 1800
and a very old decoy duck
also some very old vintage scraps

tirsdag den 13. marts 2018


Iam snailmailing on INSTAGRAM
want to see more?

writing with wonderful woman all over the world..