My Books

fredag den 12. juli 2024

sketchbook fun

så fik jeg lavet lidt sketchbook fun, med prismacolor pencils, paste,watercolor og oilpastel farver.
i min lille bog, som jeg laver alt muligt i.
det er mit nye påfund da jeg er stoppet med at lave kort.
ialtfald for en lang tid. mit "kort" hobby stash er sat på loftet.
men lidt papir er hentet ned igen og selvfølgelig har jeg mit tegnegrej her hos mig.
lidt skal jeg jo lave, jeg kan jo slet ikke stoppe med at være kreativ

then I made a little sketchbook fun, with prismacolor pencils, paste, watercolor and oil pastel colors.
in my little book, in which I do everything possible.
it's my new invention since I've stopped making cards .
at least for a long time. my "CARD" hobby stash is put on the attic.
but some paper has been brought down again and of course I have my drawing tool here with me.
I have to do something, I can't stop being creative

Gelli printing

cut into squares of different sizes and glued into a small sketchbook using white paste and ink lines

onsdag den 3. juli 2024

torsdag den 30. maj 2024

tirsdag den 28. maj 2024

my collage designs

I really like making A5 collage pictures from design paper, painted paper, sheet music and like to use old books.

søndag den 26. maj 2024

cute teddy bear cards

The pictures are taken from various places on the internet. thanks for them.
i found them under the felt bears if you see one of yours let me know and i will give you credit/attention on this page if you want this.

Purrrrr and simple cat cards

i still make cards, now and then i get thecreative spot up in me..
this time i did some purrrrrrsimple cat cards

onsdag den 8. maj 2024

Caravan, just to let you know..

Iam still camping.
I have moved the campsite to a place closer to my home. I can now cycle there. but here are some photos. Hope you all have a wonderful summer and that you will share some photo memories from there on your blogs.