My Books

onsdag den 22. august 2018

ATcoins from penpals

Over time I received many ATcoins from Penpals around the world

4 kommentarer:

  1. Hvor er de flotte :D
    Jeg har kun prøvet at lave en el. to...haha...kan ikke engang huske hvor mange det var ;-) De er sjove og hyggelige at lave :D

  2. These are just beautiful, Kate x x

  3. Hi Dorte, I see you have also discovered the ATCoins! I made distriptions for the editor of some Dutch craftmagazines (which I am writing for) how to make them, but did not try it myself yet. Yours look fab, so I think I have to give it a try too.
    Lia xx

  4. Looks like you hit the art lottery! Beautiful!
